This study was painted from the Tanyu Kano period 1602-1674 Gako Senran book of drawings. My paintbrush was dipped in oil paint mixed with medium [to make it more fluid] then placed flat on the paper to create flat lines or 'dragged curves'. Using this piece, whilst carefully observing the original, I was amazed how this brilliant Master had used a few simple lines to convey so much about a windy day.
Saturday, August 27
Friday, August 26
'Brushwork Studies'
This is the start of a series of 'Brushwork Studies' for my VAA course. These are little oil paintings on paper developed from copying the linework of that Great Master Rembrandt. I am learning that every so often I must take time out to think and rewind my 'creativity spring'............. to be able to concentrate hard and produce satisfactory work in my paintings - those that reveal thought and energy, not mere photographic replicas. Just in time to post some for August............. thank goodness!
Tuesday, July 12
'Coastal Blues'
After yesterday's post I thought that the rocks had a 'sameness' about it and the water had lost its former illusion of movement, and had become too patterned. After an evening lifting potatoes in the garden, and getting bitten by midges - I decided to have another go with the paint left on the palette - so here it is, another exploration of lost and found edges................. in reality it is much softer blues - but this was an early morning photograph. Have a good day............. this is for my work colleagues................ and of course everyone of my 'Blog Followers'.................. may it be a good one :-)
Sunday, July 10
'Malvern Hill Edges'
This is just a quick 30 minute study, which makes British Camp look like an alpine ascent - artistic metaphor coming into play I think for its historical significance! I am now studying Brushwork and Colour with the Virtual Art Academy. Here is an adventure with lost and found edges.................. someone in my family didn't like the dull version - so this is bright and more 'morning light' for 'Up with the Skylarks'. Tomorrow I am having a 'lost and found' study on the rocks........... from my previous post :-)
Thursday, July 7
'Coastal Swell'
This is painted using just 2 brights [1&2] - small flats - to give texture to the rock forms. The focus of this composition is repetition with variety. I am happier with this simpler style, limited palette, and more painterly quality to the brushwork................. back to reading about Paul Henry.........
Monday, July 4
'Passive Padstow'
This is another version of 'Padstow Palace'. Here I am trying to create compositional Active and Passive areas using brush strokes, colour/hue, and values. Now time to think about my next assignment 'Repetition with Variety'........................ time to ponder about that one, and look for inspiration from Paul Henry, or the Glasgow Boys.
Sunday, July 3
'Up with the Skylarks'
I am having a hard time with my painting identity - the balance between fluid painterly brushwork and precision. I am still very much in the exploratory phase and trying to get the blend between the two just right. Many canvases are ending up in the bin or painted over - for risk of being too cramped I just decided to 'get on with it'............... and stop 'bimbling about'.
This painting is for my Art studies - the assignment called for Composition with Variety. I have tried to achieve this with colour, form and brushwork............. and I'm actually quite happy with it............. :-)
The inspiration was an early walk with my collie on the ridge, when the only life about were the skylarks, rabbits, me, 'Cap'................... and the morning sunshine...... wonderful.
This post should show my brushwork a little bit more clearly if you click on the painting.
Sunday, June 19
'Edge Notans'
Today I am having a good time painting, and at the same time listening to 'Plan B' [reminds me of Kenny Thomas -passionate & earthy East End male voice I think?]. These are 'edge notans' from life - some edges are smooth, others sharp - attempting to create compositions with good value contrast, and confidence with the brush and subject matter. I now have a monthly assignment to complete - a still life - so perhaps some colour?
Apologies if images are dark on your browser - overcast outside when taking pictures - reposted, but this time there is a bit of canvas paper curl.
Saturday, June 18
'Imagination Edge Notans'
Back to 'my Blog' with great relief, having completed an academic work contract - life is busier these days :-) I have been studying the importance of making quick notan value studies as preparation for larger coloured paintings. Today's work is purely imaginative, with no resources, except the mind. This is a time to be creative, and just see what happens. I am a year two VAA student, and I can see how my year 1 studies now give me much more to think about in these little value/notan studies.
Saturday, June 4
'British Camp'
Today has been an 'out on the hills' type of day - avoiding the tourists' gaze whilst sketching. This is from a special spot on private land which really inspires creativity. I am finding that I am shifting slowly back to the style and confidence of my more youthful days as a painter with Mr. Grace [God bless him] in the art studio at Purbrook Park Grammar - and also painting those wonderful stage sets with him, and Colin S............. I am starting to move forwards again..... with confidence, my soul and spirit for the love of painting ;-)
Thursday, June 2
'Welsh Notans'
Last month was not a good month for painting - I am finding that you have to have the ' flow of creative energy' and the free spirit of the brush. My mind has to be focused on the subject, to be able to 'look', and there has to be a trigger to 'want to explore'. This usually occurs through outdoor adventures full of visual stimuli, and physical challenge.
These little oil sketches are an exploration of the landscapes of Wales, value plus hue - and were great fun.
Remember if you 'click' on the image you will be able to see my brushwork.
I am pleased to see that my Blog is being 'logged into' across the globe - including Russia.
Monday, May 2
'Maude and Mildred'
Fiona's chooks are real stars to capture with the brush. I just loved this pose where the birds really want to know what I am up to, and yet need the comfort of companionship for safety. This is added to by the flick of a comb to really focus in on me. Maybe time away from the palette, and my reading thinking time, has made me more perceptive again?
Sunday, May 1
'Chooks on the Move''

I have been struggling with 'a creative block' in my painting, so thank you to those who surround me in my daily life - the paints are back on the palette. I think perhaps setting myself the task of painting 'to order', is one that I have found difficult. However, the plus point is that I am detached from them, and I know that they are for selling.
Thankfully the chickens next door are always there to amuse me with their antics. They are now moving 'free range' with the good weather, and are appearing on the track and in amongst the vegetation outiside my kitchen window.
Let's hope I will post a better show in the month of May :-)
Friday, April 8
What a heat haze kind of day........ up in the woods today I saw 2 mini grass snakes, already hatched from their leathery baked eggs.
My youngest brother said that Rooster 2 had lost its way, possibly due to my long painting session yesterday - comments taken on board, he wouldn't have been a seller, so he has been re-worked today. A remodelling is something I don't normally do. Paintings just 'stay in' or get painted over, so I am learning to re-model.
The heat and the thought of getting to the tip on Monday with vegetation,' meant an option to 'clear the garden' took over from my 'hens painting' I will settle to that one once the evening cools, and oils are not sliding all over the place. If you want to see the detailing of the rooster's head, you can do this by 'clicking on the painting'. It is a 6x6" linen panel with oils.
Thursday, April 7
'Fiona's Chooks 2'
I am sure that many painters go through the battles of confidence and self worth, which can hold them back from fluidity with the brush. I have been struggling with these issues, and my low self esteem for some time, and have in recent months fallen into the trap of 'how others see you' and 'their critical analysis of personal worth'- thankfully my close friends have seen this and buoyed me up this week :-)
Now... back to painting - the colours are not really 'true' sadly - they are more saturated, and a bit harsh [6"x6" paintings on belgian #15 linen with wood support]. I have 10 chooks paintings to do for my mini exhibition.............. so will be painting night and day for a while. Just as well I paint Alla Prima - all in one go. They will be put on the wall of Bonne Bouche in Colwall sooooon promise! and will let you know when.
Tuesday, March 29
'Exaggerated Saturation in the Hills'
A very very quick post-work study exploring the effect of reducing the saturation of the middle and distant planes, whilst raising the saturation of the foreground. I must say that the luminosity of the subject matter has increased - maybe not to the requirement of sunglasses ;-) Tomorrow I am back to work on Composition - I will use my' chook studies' for this one. These are my VAA coursework assignments on small 7''x5'' linen boards.
Monday, March 28
'British Camp'
This was an exercise in exaggerated atmospheric perspective based upon a photograph taken at dusk on November the 5th last year. Yes the three lines are three figures gazing towards Gloucester ;-). Tomorrow I am repeating the exercise in exaggerated saturation - perhaps sunglasses will be required? Time to clear the subtle hues off the palette.
Friday, March 25
'The Aldbourne Circular'
Last weekend I chose to go on a 12 mile circular MTB ...........what I didn't account for was the steep rutted ascents and bumpy descents ;-) ....but the weather was wonderful and it was great to ride in such an ancient landscape...... . Tomorrow I shall be up on the hills sketching and taking pics for my 'Malvern Hills' series - I do prefer landscapes with people.
This chalkland study was so different from the familiar sharp rock faces of the volcanic Malverns, and the beautiful mountains of Wales. I have tried to portray the unusual hazy heat of a hot spring day in England....... yes really!
For new 'followers' remember that if you click on my paintings you will see my brushwork and use of colour.
Tuesday, March 15
'Fiona's Chooks 1'
Thank goodness the creative energy has returned ;-) This is the first of many studies planned to produce a series of paintings to be exhibited at Bonne Bouche in my home village. The chicken's are really David's chickens - and over the years roosters have caused Fiona many self defence moments at the washing line. She is happy for me to call them 'Fiona's chooks' as long as it is just the chooks............. their beautiful rooster a Rhode Island Red -Welsummer cross is due for the chop or transfer to a new flock for genetic reasons [let me know if you'd like him].
Thursday, March 3
'Colour and Brush Strokes'
This evening's study - after so much coursework in black and white - was a little bit of light relief - if not quite complete on the right hand side ;-) Whilst away from my Blog I have enjoyed conversations with my second cousin and other family members, to understand about 'what I see' and 'my painting style'...................... which has helped me to understand what I want, and also given me a sense of direction.
Saturday, February 19
Thanks for those who have called worried about my health.......... I am fine! I have had an uber busy week completing my Law studies for the CAB [soon advising at Malvern] and working through Notans [Black-grey-white] for my Virtual Art Academy studies............. and it is mother's 80th on Tuesday too.
I will get back into the painting pattern next week - lots of composition studies - and Richard Logan has explained the best way to sign my works............... thanks Californian Guy ;-)
I will get back into the painting pattern next week - lots of composition studies - and Richard Logan has explained the best way to sign my works............... thanks Californian Guy ;-)
Tuesday, February 15
'Valentine Rose'
A late night paint after work, this time on a 6'' x 6'' linen board. Last night I made an attempt, but resorted to rubbing and scraping it off - roses are harder to paint than I thought.
Friday, February 11
'Ten Cherries'
Today's painting was an 80 minute paint session - 10 minute per cherry - this is Carol Marine's Challenge for Daily Painters - mine is now submitted, just have to wait and see if it gets posted :-) .............. and it's been accepted!
Monday, February 7
Sunday, February 6
Friday, February 4
'Student Friendship'
This is a colour study looking at the values of different hues. The subject matter shows my friend Bren, my dog Cap, and me on the coastal path heading towards Padstow. Our student friendship has lasted since Uni days, when we worked hard and played hard - and continue to do so.
Wednesday, February 2
'Padstow Palace'
This study is from a photograph taken when I visited Cornwall in 2009. Padstow is where Rick Stein has his fish restaurant - just above the boat - on the left. I was taken by the beauty of the boat and the small harbour. We were lucky on our visit, it was a beautiful day in early summer, so not many people around.
I just mused about having the palace of a boat moored, to wine and dine at Rick Stein's - my type of heaven - fresh fish and good wine :-)
Tuesday, February 1
'Rock Pool'
This is the same study - what a difference adding ultramarine and removing mars black makes to the palette - and I feel that it has a more 'marine' quality to it.
Monday, January 31
'Brown Kelps'
Today's painting is very much a 'brown rock pool' study. If you ever wondered why the 'Old Masters' paintings look so dull and dark - here is an illustration of a painting completed with a similar limited Earth pigment palette. I painted this piece using just yellow ochre, burnt sienna, mars black, and titanium white. For the botanists amongst us, there are kelps and serrated wracks to the right ;-)
[If you click on the painting it will enlarge and reveal my brushwork]
Friday, January 28
'Birds and Binoculars'
Today I have blogged another drawing rather than a painting - a composition of eggs, bird books, binoculars, and that glass of dry salty sherry ;-). May all my Blog followers and family have a good weekend - could be a good one, it's so nice and bright for a change.
Thursday, January 27
'Watch those Birdies'
A late night paint in an extended palette......... and a bit of a struggle. Apologies for the shine on the canvas - oils still very oily ;-) Just want to say thanks for the enthusiasm Coleman's artshop gave me today for my Blog, and a big thank you to all my followers.
Wednesday, January 26
'Beautiful Bees'
A little study from a photograph using the vivid primary palette again [cadmium yellow, ultramarine, quinacridone red, white]. Such pretty little birds - tomorrow they will be painted again in a larger palette of colours, to reveal their true beauty.
Tuesday, January 25
'Behind the Painting'
I am putting in a still life drawing today instead of a painting. Drawing and painting and very different from each other - drawing provides the parameters or lines for form - it is the skill of the painter to translate a 3D illusion of form from hues, values and brushwork. This is my challenge ;-) a step away from drawing glassware diagrams too!
Monday, January 24
'Sweeter Cherries'
A study using the same pigment palette as yesterday, with the addition of viridian. A simpler subject and a better grip with the hues - now I shall eat my lovely dark cherries ;-)
Saturday, January 22
'Halo Cat'
A study in acrylics from the last time that I was painting regularly - this was a very special little tortoishell cat [Halo] who just loved cockles and would hide under beds just to be 'roly polyed' out. I will get painting tomorrow with fresh paint ;-).
Thursday, January 20
'Secret Garden'
Today I have been wrestling with another simple palette painting [a copy of yesterday's paint in a more vibrant palette], so to break the element of repetition I am posting a lovely door in the centre of Malvern. This is a monochrome of 5 values completed in acrylics. I am thrilled that the artist Raymond Logan is going to add me to his american listing of daily painters :-) I will start to sell paintings from May 2011 and exhibit locally, but for now it is back to my studies and 'raising my game' as a painter. For my 'painter followers' if you click on the image it is linked to the original and will enlarge for you to inspect my brushwork.
Wednesday, January 19
'Nuthatch Hideaway'
This is a very special part of my daily hillwalk, more especially in the spring, when the lovely nuthatch nest in the tree trunk on the right. They nest in the carved out holes, where branches have long been removed. This is a painting using just 5 dull primaries for the palette.
Tuesday, January 18
'Café Lady'
This is another acrylic painting ............ a 'Hopper' 5 value observation. I completed this last year as a VAA study. It worked, and I'm very fond of her gaze [small 1 hour study on a linen panel in 5 values].
Monday, January 17
Sunday, January 16
'Blue Shoes'
Playing with colour/hue and form today, down to some serious painting tomorrow................................;-)
Saturday, January 15
'Sharp Lemon'
This is a study completed about the same time as the previous posting [acrylic Block study]. It was completed in 30 minutes using a very large brush and a limited palette. I am going to paint some studies from photographs over the next few days, because natural light is far from good in January. The rock pool photos are sourced from a good friend [way back to our student days] who is an excellent Devon based photographer - you will find some of her copyrighted work on Flickr:
Friday, January 14
'Bright Sunny Blocks'
This is an earlier painting of blocks when I was studying just hues, rather than the values and hues in relation to coloured light hitting that face. It was painted on linen using acrylics - I am rather fond of this one, although it isn't 'theoretically correct'. May you all have a good weekend.
Thursday, January 13
'Shell Bay Treasures'
This is the final version completed this evening in a second attempt - and I am much happier with the outcome - it is a combination of still life [shells stuck with blu tack on my easel and my imagination].
Tuesday, January 11
'Seashore Studies'
The shell paintings from yesterday [and the blobbiness of the smaller shells] made me seek out some old drawings and water colour tinted work from my portfolio. I have rubbed out the blobbiness of the previous post and plan to re-work the shells after some more detailed drawing studies tomorrow. Time to reflect about the painting and detail.
Sunday, January 9
The red peppers are showing their last appearance in spotlight this evening - another case of the 'wet paint' image, but this time in oils. It is only day 2 of their use, so still very much on the starting blocks. Thank you for emails from those I studied with and those I've taught - much appreciated in terms of self confidence. More challenges with blocks tomorrow ;-)
Saturday, January 8
'Blocked Hues'
Today's post is the product of really thinking more carefully about what am painting, the play of hue and value, and remaining focussed. It is also my first oil painting since I was 18.............. a long long time ago ;-) I have had such fear about handling the paint - but actually it offers so much more, and is far more forgiving than acrylics.
Friday, January 7
'Back to School'
Today I have to go one step beyond value planes [light and shade] and also convey the physics of light and reflected lights - yes it's blue light yellow surface light and shade, yellow light red surface light and shade - metaphorically like playing a familiar tune on a keyboard with both hands, rather than just the right. Time to think and study, with longer painting time. So here is where I'm heading................................. coloured blocks tomorrow ;-)
Wednesday, January 5
'The Long and The Short'
A late night post.......... and a quick daub, and also wet paint for the camera. This is a steep learning curve about the best time, place, and keeping a calm mind for painting? Hopefully more detail and time tomorrow. It is also time to clean my brushes. I have my oil paints now, so this weekend will be time to explore the more painterly approach.
Tuesday, January 4
'Red Pepper solo'
I feel it is time to move on from the 'browns' of autumn.......... now I will embrace the colours of fruits and vegetables, and start to dabble a bit with those oils over the next month. I am also a student on a 3 year art course, and so there will also be postings from my Virtual Art Academy assignments.
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