Sunday, June 19

'Edge Notans'


Today I am having a good time painting, and at the same time listening to 'Plan B' [reminds me of Kenny Thomas -passionate & earthy East End male voice I think?].  These are 'edge notans' from life - some edges are smooth, others sharp - attempting to create compositions with good value contrast, and confidence with the brush and subject matter. I now have a monthly assignment to complete - a still life - so perhaps some colour?

Apologies if images are dark on your browser - overcast outside when taking pictures - reposted, but this time there is a bit of canvas paper curl.

Saturday, June 18

'Imagination Edge Notans'


Back to 'my Blog' with great relief, having completed an academic work contract - life is busier these days :-) I have been studying the importance of making quick notan value studies as preparation for larger coloured paintings. Today's work is purely imaginative, with no resources, except the mind. This is a time to be creative, and just see what happens. I am a year two VAA student, and I can see how my year 1 studies now give me much more to think about in these little value/notan studies.

Saturday, June 4

'British Camp'


Today has been an 'out on the hills' type of day - avoiding the tourists' gaze whilst sketching. This is from a special spot on private land which really inspires creativity. I am finding that I am shifting slowly back to the style and confidence of my more youthful days as a painter with Mr. Grace [God bless him] in the art studio at Purbrook Park Grammar - and also painting those wonderful stage sets with him, and Colin S............. I am starting to move forwards again..... with confidence, my soul and spirit for the love of painting ;-)

Thursday, June 2

'Welsh Notans'


Last month was not a good month for painting - I am finding that you have to have the ' flow of creative energy' and the free spirit of the brush. My mind has to be focused on the subject, to be able to 'look', and there has to be a trigger to 'want to explore'. This usually occurs through outdoor adventures full of visual stimuli, and physical challenge.  

These little oil sketches are an exploration of the landscapes of Wales, value plus hue - and were great fun.
Remember if you 'click' on the image you will be able to see my brushwork. 
I am pleased to see that my Blog is being 'logged into' across the globe - including Russia.