Sunday, October 20

Green Luangwan Sunset


It has been difficult to photograph this painting, and get the colours 'true'. It is a composition derived from 3 photographs, but certainly not a Photo-shopped pasted image. 

It is in my imagination, held in my emotions......... and the wonderful experience of being the person in the back of the small khaki coloured 4WD with my husband, and our two amazing guides. The guides have stopped the vehicle for us to admire the beautiful spring sunset, whilst they discuss where it might be possible to see leopards.

The orange light on the tall green savannah grasses creates quite geometrical swathes, as do the routes of the night strolling hippos. A wonderful experience....... the hush of the night, the wonder of an African sky so clear....... magical, precious, unspoilt Zambia. May it stay that way forever.............